
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Sex of Rockstar and Death Rattle Varieties

Tomorrow I go on a b l i n d date. As in I really have no idea what the guy I’m meeting looks like. He’s a friend of an acquaintance who emailed me on facebook to go out to coffee, and his photo is one of those cartoon/sketches of a photo – and the rest of his photos are private.

That said, I have to be in the city tomorrow anyway – I have mild suspicion about the suitability of this person judging from my conversation with our mutual acquaintance – and he may or may not have an addiction to adderall – but that’s based on circumstantial evidence – or that’s the term they’d use on t.v.

And secondly, in favor of coffee with a stranger, why not? It’s good to keep my dating muscles toned or at least not atrophied – my last was a date a few months ago with a near-friend. You know, that person you run in to at shows or gatherings and always seem to flirt with obscurely in one of those “*wink* we’re totally flirting but so totally covert about it that I’m not actually sure if we are but I think we are and isn’t this charged ambiguity totally exciting” kind of ways (!) - but one or the other is always in a relationship, or you don’t want to ruin the quasi-friendship with the quagmire of sex, or neuroses.

My date with the quasi-friend went well, but in terms of continued romanticism, it was a case of mutual “i don’t think this is gonna work” and luckily we both said as much a few days later, and so we still get to be friends.

So, tomorrow’ll be my second date in … a lot of months. It’s cool. I have a pretty good idea that I’m marinating – getting seasoned for the right time. – I almost wrote “right now” – which is also true – as I’ve said before, I tend to believe that once I have x y or z in place, I’ll be really ready to be in a relationship. But, I got out of a long term one in January that had a few death rattle trysts through August, so until I was ready to stop beating a dead horse – or beating off an ex – just kidding – I haven’t really been available to date anyway.

Although, about a month ago, around the time I started doing the Calling in The One exercises, along with the Cousin contacting me out of the deep blue, an old SF fling contacted me to say what’s up. It’s a good thing I’m convincedly sure he’s a bad idea, because, have.mercy. that sex was awesome. He and I “saw” each other for about a month about two years ago, and it was like the kind of stuff you read about or see in “movies” or just fantasize about – I actually said to him, Do you ever forget how great sex can be? (He said no.)

But, alas, said hipster (who really wanted me to wear his torn skinny jeans and loved that my dishware was all in some "state of decay" [I’ve recently tossed all chipped dishware…]) is not a viable option for me – rockstar sex or not. Well, not right now at least. 

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