
Monday, November 14, 2011

Make 'em Laugh

I just texted the blind date guy to politely decline his invitation for a second date. Beforehand, when I presented my case to my best guy friend saying that I just wasn’t sparked by the coffee date but maybe I should try a second date, he said that ambivalence wasn’t a good sign.

So, if it’s not a good sign, it’s a bad one. And although my gut had been telling me even before the date that I was having misgivings, I am a Libra – and I need to thoroughly weigh everything from every angle until my head explodes – This usually happens several times per month, or per day if I’m overtired ;P

That isn’t precisely true – I’ve gotten more used to listening to the voice of my intuition, the longer it hasn’t told me things like “another line would *really* make this party awesome” or “his girlfriend isn’t here, so…” I have since learned that this voice may not have been my intuition, but that’s what I interpreted it as for years, and so it’s taken me a while to get accustomed to the idea that perhaps my gut isn’t trying to kill me (my brain is another story).

That said, I spent a significant amount of time and brainspace on second guessing my gut today. “How much can you know from a first date, anyway?” It just felt beige. He wasn’t funny. “Oh, everyone’s on their best behavior on a first date - you can’t really know if he’s funny or not.” He didn’t make me laugh. “Wouldn’t you know more if you went out again?”

Maybe, or maybe I’d learn more if I actually listened to my gut for once instead of hitting the override switch. Build up that muscle of listening to myself, trusting myself, and also, caveat – if it’s meant to happen again, it will. … But I don’t think it will.

I was talking with my actress friend today for my “informational interview/omigod this is hella scary” phone call, and I was telling her that this performance thing is a gut thing that just hasn’t gone away. I recently found an exercise from when I was doing The Artist’s Way three years ago – it was a list of “Forbidden Joys” - things I would love to do, but am “not allowed.” And on it was “Audition for a play.”

So, my friend told me that first, I would just need to start auditioning, and likely fall flat on my face. I told her that I already did do that. 

Earlier this year, I responded to a casting call on craigslist (you can see how much credence I was willing to give to my gut!). We were asked to prepare a monologue and a song - as although this wasn’t a musical, the director believed that having actors sing was a good way to see how they’d do when they felt uncomfortable. … So, I prepared “Make 'em Laugh” from Singing in the Rain – it’s a hilarious outlandish routine by Donald O’Connor – and it is OVER-THE-TOP.

See, I’ll show them how not uncomfortable this makes me! … Turns out, I made them quite uncomfortable. Somewhere between the wildly gesticulating arm gestures and a prat fall, I think I lost them. But hell, if it wasn’t hilarious … to me, at least. Sure, I was a little disappointed – and I felt like I had totally blown it by not being “more serious” or even a little serious – but for christ’s sake the play was about a woman’s love affair with pot!

So I told this story to my actress friend, and she was delighted! She said I’d already made a fool of myself, and lived (and laughed) through it, so obviously I’m willing to try and fail – but I also have to be willing to get out there again. So, she gave me some good advice and said I could check in with her in a week, which seems like an awfully sweet thing, and will help to keep me accountable to some of the tasks I have before me (buy a monologue book – and that monthly subscription to Theater Bay Area I keep on shoving under my coffee table? take it out and look at the casting calls in the back).

Because I want to be a woman who can be disappointed and still follow my dreams, and my dreams also include a man who makes me laugh. 

p.s. just got a text back that said he was offering sex not dinner - that...makes me laugh. Thanks, gut!... + seriously?!

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