
Friday, February 14, 2014

And now for something completely different!

in the eventuality of time, there is a sacrifice that must be made.
we are never sure what we must give up in order to move forward,
but we come to a bridge with a toll and are demanded a pound of
flesh in exchange for passage to the new place.

it is never clear if this new place is where we intend or
want to go but our anima will impel us forward along
the continuity of movement.

how many bridges we already traversed
does not factor into how many we must pass again. 
we may have already sacrificed pride
isolation. and this bridge requires from us another token.

perhaps you feel like the knight in a monty python sketch,
quartered from limb and limb and limb, a torso now, you are
asked to divest even more from what you carry. perhaps though,
you are a lancelot, fueled and lifted, freed by all you’ve
been asked to dispense with, grateful for the chance to
expel another pebble from your shoe.

in the eventuality of time, we will all offer this sacrifice.
we must, because we are alive
and so, we do. 

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