
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Heart Art and Romance.

Today was a good day. I worked my desk shift at the gym, got to talk a little trash/indignation about the leering guy who came into class yesterday … and got kicked out. A “back spasm” doesn’t allow you to sit & stare at women whose legs are up over their head with their cooches hanging out. Then I came home, began to boil some cinnamon for ghetto air freshener, and cleaned my apartment, including the dishes.

I normally would not have done that, having been awake at 6:45 this morning, but I had a girl friend coming over to meet for an hour, and if it weren’t for those weekly meetings, my house would likely devolve into a sanctuary for monocellular creatures. So, it always makes me feel good to clean it up – I do believe that my home environment is a direct reflection of my headspace – hence the post-nuclear disaster.

After she left, I took a good old fashioned nap. After that…I went on Theater Bay Area, and took my own kick-in-the-butt from this morning’s blog and emailed 2 casting directors…and…signed myself up for an audition slot in January…for a musical. That’s right. A musical theater company. Cuz, whatever dude. I’m gonna suck at anything I do in the beginning. and this IS the beginning. So, whatever. I’m going to try my best – maybe NOT do what I did for Sunday’s audition and actually learn my monologues and songs far enough in advance to really feel confident. ... well, confident-ish.

There are two more casting calls to apply to, but they only list phone numbers, which is a whole new level of fear ;P so, that’ll wait until Monday – normal business hours, right?

Then, I got ready for a party. A holiday glitter dance party to be exact, and man was it fun. I saw people from SF I hadn’t seen in a while, and met new people who live here in Oakland, plus my SF transplant/defector friend, who I’m really glad to have on this side of the Bay.

I danced, I was silly, and energetic, and shy and awkward, and *tall* in my lovely heels and skirt I wore again :). And I drank a lot of ginger lemonade punch, and laughed at others’ silly dance antics – and some really good dance battles! It was fun. I hadn’t felt that in a long time. I was really glad to be there, social awkward self-centered fear aside. I had fun.

Some of the women were part of an Artist’s Way group who had their annual “check-in” today, and were going to do an intention setting. It’s like new year’s resolutions, or any resolutions, only instead of all the self-will-power of a resolution (damnit, it’s gonna happen – THIS year), it has the openness and groundedness of being rooted in love, truth, self-respect, and ultimately, Faith.

So, I got to write down my intention on a piece of paper, and we all walked out of the house party to the backyard like a wonderfully powerful, giddy coven under a full though cloud covered moon, and around the circle we voiced our intentions, burned them, and said a little prayer/blessing of honoring our intentions into the universe. It was pretty affirming – and so unexpected! I’ll tell you mine, because, hey, an intention isn’t a birthday wish, it’s a statement of what I intend to do, and to bring into my life through my action and adherence to my core. It was short, as I didn’t know it was happening till last minute – but that also helped me to edit.

“To follow thru with my heart, art, and romance.”

Simple, yeah; silly, to some; but, to me, that’s what I’m doing, and I intend to continue doing it. 

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